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Drawing from personal experiences to improve children’s social care

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In this blog, a member of the Children’s social care National Practice Group (NPG) explains how her own personal experience of the care system has helped support the development of a National Framework for children’s social care.

A message of thanks from Isabelle Trowler CBE, Chief Social Worker for Children and Families

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"Social Work Week is the perfect time of year to acknowledge and appreciate the vital role that social workers play in our communities. Your dedication, compassion, and tireless efforts to support and protect vulnerable children and families are truly commendable." - Isabelle Trowler

Cross sector action to improve support for children in complex situations

Collage photo of 3 authors.

As joint authors of this blog, Justin, John and Professor Chitsabeasan share an update on action being taken from across the sector to improve support for children and young people in complex situations with multiple needs.