The Co-Chairs of the Principal Children and Families Social Worker network talk about the importance of compassion and teamwork among social workers, highlighting how these values positively impact their work with children and families.
In this blog, a member of the Children’s social care National Practice Group (NPG) explains how her own personal experience of the care system has helped support the development of a National Framework for children’s social care.
As joint authors of this blog, Justin, John and Professor Chitsabeasan share an update on action being taken from across the sector to improve support for children and young people in complex situations with multiple needs.
The Family Justice Young People’s Board (FJYPB) are a group of up to 75 children and young people across England and Wales, aged 7 to 25 years old. All members have either had direct experience of the family justice system …
Jayne Yerou, commercial insurance lead at the Department for Education explains her experience of being an Independent Visitor. As a naturally warm and supportive person, she has thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the young person she visits, and they have developed a strong bond.
Rachel Baker, Academy Learning Lead in Warwickshire, talks about her journey as a social worker and life coach. She shares how she is helping social workers to take control of their wellbeing.
Patriche Bentick discusses her journey to become a Senior Practitioner at Camden Council and making tangible change for Black and Ethnic Minority social workers, communities and children.
Darlington Ihenacho, Vice-Chair of the Principal Social Worker Network, shares his advice for giving the mental health and wellbeing of social workers the attention it deserves.
Denise Green, a Senior Social Worker in Barnsley's Disabled Children’s Team, reflects on her experience of practice during the pandemic and shares her advice for social workers.
Sonia Mahay, Service Manager in Wolverhampton, reflects on being a social worker during the pandemic and shares her tips for maintaining wellbeing while working remotely.